General Examination Of Cardiovascular System

 Cardiovascular system:

1.General Examination:


P - Pallor

I - Icterus

C - Cyanosis

C - Clubbing

L - Lymph Adenopathy

E - Edema


Can be seen in Anemia

     Female - 12.5 to 15.5 gm/dl

     Male - 13.5 to 17.5 gm/dl


Yellowish discoloration of skin in mucous membrane and body fluid.

Bilirubin - 0.1 to 0.2 mg/dl

Hyper bilirubin - 2 to 3 gm/dl


Bluish discoloration of skin and mucous membrane.

Seen in peripheral areas.


Cynotic heart disease


Can be seen in cynotic congenital disease.

Clubbing is a painless soft tissue swelling in terminal phalanges.

Schamorth's window - In phalanges

Lymph Adenopathy:

Part of immune system which are involved in tissue fluid circulation is Lymph nodes.

Can be seen in cervical axillary supraclavicular.


Tissue swelling due to increase in interstitial fluid.

Can be seen in heart failure.

2.Arterial pulse:






Normal 60 - 100 beats/min

Sinus bradycardia - < 60 beats/min Hyperthermia, severe hypoxia, sleep (children)

Sinus tachycardia - > 100 beats/min Hypovolumia, myocardial infarction, excercise, emotion (infants)


Regularly irregular - AV blocks

Irregularly irregular - Atrial fibrillation


Refers to strength of the pulse.

    Normal 30 - 60 mmHg

(a) Small volume pulse - Shock, CF

(b) Large volume pulse - High output

3.Blood pressure:

The lateral pressure exerted by the column of blood on the atrial wall while the heart pumps blood constantly to all parts of the body is called blood pressure.


Normal - 120 mmHg

Pre Hypertension - 120 to 139 mmHg

Hypertension Stage 1 - 140 to 149 mmHg 2                                Stage 2 - > 150 mmHg


Normal - 80 mmHg

Pre Hypertension - 80 to 89 mmHg

Hypertension Stage 1 - 90 to 99 mmHg                                        Stage 2 - > 100 mmHg

4.JVP (Jugular Venous Pressure):

Fluctuation of right atrial pressure during the cardiac cycle generates a pulse that is transmitted backwards into jugular veins.

Patients - 45° lying

Suprasternal notch or behind the sternocoedomastoid muscle measured.

Elevated congestive cardiac failure.

JVP falls during hypovolumic shock.

5.Examination of Pericardium:

Parallel - COPD

Funnel - Depression in lower position of the sternum.

Pigeon chest shape - Sternum displaced anteriorly; anteroposterior diameter.


Finger tips of pulsation

*Base of fingers to trills.

*Base of fingers to heaves.

Aortic, Tricuspid, Erbs sound, Mitral

       ***The End***


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