
Showing posts from March, 2021

General Examination Of Cardiovascular System

 Cardiovascular system: 1.General Examination:                          PICCLE P - Pallor I - Icterus C - Cyanosis C - Clubbing L - Lymph Adenopathy E - Edema Pallor: Can be seen in Anemia      Female - 12.5 to 15.5 gm/dl      Male - 13.5 to 17.5 gm/dl Icterus: Yellowish discoloration of skin in mucous membrane and body fluid. Bilirubin - 0.1 to 0.2 mg/dl Hyper bilirubin - 2 to 3 gm/dl Cyanosis: Bluish discoloration of skin and mucous membrane. Seen in peripheral areas. Example:  Cynotic heart disease Clubbing: Can be seen in cynotic congenital disease. Clubbing is a painless soft tissue swelling in terminal phalanges. Schamorth's window - In phalanges Lymph Adenopathy: Part of immune system which are involved in tissue fluid circulation is Lymph nodes. Can be seen in cervical axillary supraclavicular. Edema: Tissue swelling due to increase in interstitial fluid. Can be seen in heart...

Chambers Of The Heart

                Chambers of the heart Right atrium: Position:    It forms the right border, part of the upper border, the sternocostal surface and the base of the heart. External features: The chamber is elongated vertically, receiving the superior venacava at the upper end and the inferior venacava at the lower end. The upper end is prolonged to the left to form the right auricle. The auricle covers the root of the ascending aorta and partly overlaps the infundibulum of the right ventricle. Along the right border of the atrium there is a shallow vertical groove which passes from the superior venacava above to the inferior venacava below. Thus groove is called the sulcus terminalis. It is produced by an internal muscular ridge part called crista terminalis. The upper part of the sulcus contains the SA node which acts as the pacemaker of the heart. The right atrioventricular groove separates the right atrium from the right ventricle. It i...

Anatomy Of Heart

            Cardiology Heart          💦The heart is a conical hollow muscular organ situated in the middle mediastinum.          💦It is enclosed within the pericardium.           💦It pumps blood to the various parts of the body to meet their nutritive requirements.           💦The heart is placed obliquely behind the body of the sternum and adjoining parts of the coastal cartilages, so that 1/3 of it lies to the right and the 2/3 of the left of the median plane.           💦The heart measures about 12*9 cm and weighs about Males - 300 g                                   Females - 250 g External features:      🩸The heart has four chambers.      🩸They are the right & left atria and right & left ventricle. ...